Experimenter Demand Effects →
Evaluating Behavioral Incentive Compatibility: Insights from Experiments →
Limits on Regret as a Tool for Incentive Design →
Testing Models of Strategic Uncertainty: Equilibrium Selection in Repeated Games →
Goals, constraints, and Transparently fair assigment →
Belief Elicitation and Behavioral Incentive Compatibility →
Top of the Batch: Interviews and the Match →
The Times They are a-Changing: Experimenting with Dynamic Adverse Selection →
Information Transmission under the Shadow of the Future: An Experiment →
Experimenting with Incentives for Information Transmission: Quantity Versus Quality →
Experimenting with the Transition Rule in Dynamic Games →
Experimenter Demand Effects →
Assessing the Rate of Replication in Economics →
A Proposal to Organize and Promote Replications →
At-will Relationships: How an Option to Walk Away Affects Cooperation and Efficiency →
Clearinghouses for Two-Sided Matching: An Experimental Study →
The Slider Task: An Example of Restricted Inference on Incentive Effects →
Communication With Multiple Senders: An Experiment →
A game theoretic approach to multimodal communication →
A Field Study on Matching with Network externalities →